Loker Solo Raya Management Trainee Finance & Accounting di BPPU Nur Hidayah
Loker Solo Raya Management Trainee Finance & Accounting di BPPU Nur Hidayah - We are hiring!
Requirements Loker Solo Raya Management Trainee Finance & Accounting di BPPU Nur Hidayah
- Male/Female, maximum age 30.
- Bachelor's degree or Diploma in Accounting.
- Passionate about Finance & Accounting with strong numerical aptitude, analytical skills, and attention to detail.
- Proficient in accounting fundamentals, including financial reporting, bank reconciliation, taxation, budgeting, and internal audit.
- Proficient in Ms Office and Google Workspace.
- Experience with ERP or financial software is a plus.
Send your email to:
Open until 20 March 2025
0895-2143-6059 (WA only)
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