Loker Creative & Design Staff di Cold n Brew Solo

Loker Creative & Design Staff di Cold n Brew Solo - We are hiring!


Requirements Loker Creative & Design Staff di Cold n Brew Solo 
  • 25 years old max.
  • Min. D3 / Fresh graduates are welcome.
  • Strong communication, conceptual thinking, and a creative mindset.
  • Familiar with design software (Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Premiere).
  • Good time management.
  • Creative, initiative, and collaborative.
  • Proper portfolio in the same field is a plus.
Job Description:
  • Participate in creative ideation and content production processes.
  • Develop designs for packaging, promotion, branding, and social media content.
  • Gaji di atas UMK Surakarta
  • BPJS Ketenagakerjaan dan Kesehatan
  • 08.00 s/d 17.00 (Senin s/d Jumat)
Apply here:

Jl. Veteran No. 136, Surakarta, Jawa Tengah

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