Lowongan Kerja di TCL Sales Solo & Yogyakarta

Lowongan Kerja di TCL Sales Solo & Yogyakarta - TCL open recruitment:


Job description:
  • Achieve sales targets monthly, quarterly, and yearly
  • Maintain relations with existing dealers dan find opportunities with new dealer
  • Opening new area and mapping list of dealer
  • Increase sales number of all product categories
  • Collecting and monitoring AR collection
  • Monitoring sell out & sell through from SPM and sales MD
Requirements Lowongan Kerja di TCL Sales Solo & Yogyakarta 
  • Candidate must possess at least High School
  • Preferably those in the Solo, Yogyakarta, and surrounding areas
  • Willing to go on business trips
  • Preferably those who have sales experience in big home appliance
  • Have a good relationship and reputation with dealers
  • Have a responsible and polite attitude in communication
Submit your resume to:


Jl. Dworowati RT 05/RW 35, Desa Nglarang, Kel. Wedomartani, Kec. Ngemplak, Kab. Sleman, Yogyakarta 55584 | 0274 7376865

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