Lowongan English Teacher & Sales Executive di LEC - Lentera Mandiri Group - Sukoharjo
Sabtu, 01 April 2017
bursa kerja online surakarta,
lowongan kerja di Sukoharjo,
Lowongan Kerja di Sukoharjo Hari Ini,
Lowongan Kerja Solo Raya,
lulusan D3,
lulusan S1,
lulusan S2,
lulusan SMA / SMK
We are one of big institutions which is located in Kartasura, Sukoharjo, Central Java, operating in the business of education support and English Course. We are currently in need of some professional and good employee to join us as:
- Male / Female
- Good Performance, Cooperative, Communicative and professional
- S1 / S2 English Department (Education/literature)
- Fresh graduate are welcomed to apply
- Having previous teaching experience is preferable
- Computer skill ; minimum office programs
- Willing to work hard and to be placed in Karawang, Bandung , Tasikmalaya, Garut Subang, Brebes, Tegal, Bali, Situbondo, Probolinggo, Surabaya, Blitar, Wonogiri, Sragen
- Possessing vehicle and SIM C is preferable
- Main Salary
- Transport allowance
- Teaching incentive, bonuses, and good prospect
- Staff Tetap
- Pria /Wanita
- Pendidikan Minimal SLTA segala jurusan
- Lebih diutamakan yang berpengalaman dibidang kemarketingan
- Memiliki Kemampuan Manajerial dan Komunikasi yang baik
- Energik, Berpenampilan menarik dan Berkepribadian Baik
- Memiliki Kendaraan Sendiri
- Memiliki SIM C
- Tidak sedang bekerja / Kuliah
- Mampu mengaplikasikan Komputer Minimal Ms.Office
- Bersedia dinas luar kota
- Gaji Pokok
- Tunjangan Makan
- Tunjangan Transport
- Insentif, Komisi
- Jenjang Karir yang menjanjikan
LEC Off Campus Manager
LEC-Lentera Mandiri Group
Jl. Adi Sumarmo no 124 blok 3b-6 Kartasura Sukoharjo 57164
Phone : 0271 781449
(Via Post)
and Via text message (SMS) : 0857 8607 6283
Sending format :
Full name - Place and date of birth – Last Educational Background/University – Complete address